Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Bills Gates: Reinventing Capital

Friday, September 3, 2010

How to prepare for .Net Interview

The first step is to brush up your knowledge. Even in case you are working on a live .Net project, it is important that you refresh your knowledge by going through some material.

The second step is practice to give clear and right to the point answers. This is very important as most of the candidates fail to do this even though they are good at .Net. Take up some mock interviews and practice the clear and right to the point answer aspect.

Set expectation

While introducing yourself to the interviewer highlight your strength areas in .Net. Know where you fit in the scale of 10. It is important to convey to the interviewer your known and unknown areas in .Net, which will help the interviewer to concentrate on your known areas. If the interviewer asks you about a particular topic in .Net and if you don’t know that clearly call out. Similarly call out that you just have theoretical knowledge and not hands on experience If that is the case.

Typical .Net Questions

Most of the .Net interviews start with .Net fundamental questions like what is .Net and what is CLR? Even though the questions looks simple, if you are not strong in the fundamental it is tough to give answer in brief. You will end up giving answer with multiple statements, which will not be a good sign. Study the theoretical knowledge on these basic fundamental topics and make sure you could able to define these concepts clearly.

Get solid understanding on Intermediate Language, JIT, Common Language Runtime, and prepare yourself to handle any questions on these fundamentals.

After the basic fundamentals, the interview will go to concepts like Assembly which includes How to create shared assembly, usage of GAC and knowledge about satellite assembly.

Most of the .Net interviews touch upon Garbage collection. Around GC the generations of objects, destructor, IDisposable interface details may be touched upon.

After asking question about the conceptual details, the interviewer will move into details of C# or VB syntax details. Typically the question will be around value type, reference type, REF & OUT params and delegates. The data structures like ArrayList, Array and enum. Mostly these language keyword and syntactical details related question are not direct questions. They may give you some scenario to check your knowledge on these syntactical and data structure related details.

After completing the question on .Net fundamentals, interviewer will move to ADO.Net details. Along with the basic questions on Data Set, Data Reader and Data Adapter, you should expect more questions around ADO.Net and database integration. Make sure you have strong knowledge on simple ADO operations like Calling stored procedure, passing and reading parameters of a stored procedure. For less experienced guys the interviewer may ask you to write piece of code on database integration.

After the Data Access, the interviewer may move to .Net framework class library details like System.IO, XML and Active Directory operations. Basically you should expect some questions around .Net framework class library, you can make choose of few class library. It is not expected the complete class library to be known to interviewee.

After the basic round of questions, the interviewer will ask more detailed questions on how .Net works internally. These questions various depend on the experience level. Say for example how event handling works in .Net and how stack, heap are handled. These questions are basically to find out the depth of knowledge you have in .Net. These question will be follow up question on you previous section answers.

Detailed questions for experienced candidates

So far we have seen the very basic fundamental questions, based on the expertise you have in .Net the question may flow in to the area like WinForms, ASP.Net or on Web Services or WCF, WF, WPF, AJAX, LINQ, REST.

For experienced guys, interviewer always would like to map your .Net knowledge to your project experiences. You should be able to highlight the specific .Net techniques which you implemented in your projects. You should able to map different technologies and its use cases. You should be able to highlight your project and should be able to articulate how you utilized .Net for different business problems. You should able to articulate your achievements and highlights of your work using .Net.

Clearly explaining your achievements like a story bring lot of value to you. Make sure in few sentences you could able to highlight your achievements in your work experience.

Apart from .Net questions, the interviewer touches upon basic programming principles like Design Patterns. Make sure you aware of Design Patterns and have through knowledge on at least two are more design patterns. For an experienced candidate interviewer will expect that you have hands on implementation experience on few design patterns.

Make sure you have strong knowledge on OOPs. There will be lot of question around OOPs relating to .Net.

Online Resources


Hope this article helps to get an idea about .Net interviews and various areas on .Net which you need to focus.

Good Luck!